Центр культур англоязычных стран / Anglophone Cultural Centre

Центр культур англоязычных стран Библиотеки иностранной литературы имени М. И. Рудомино


Москва 21 марта 2018 c 19:00 до 20:30, 2228 дней назад

Topic: MOTHERS Prepare a five-minute story about MOTHERS.


Москва 19 марта 2018 c 19:00 до 20:30, 2230 дней назад

In our next meeting, we will continue our conversation about Nabokov's work 'Lectures on Russian Literature'. This round-table talk will be dedicated to the next Nabokov's lecture – Anton Chekhov (1860-1904) We will think about Chekhov's best and worst characters. What do they think about? What do they feel? How do they behave? Nabokov states that this typical Chekhovian hero was the unfortunate bearer of a vague but beautiful human truth, a burden which he could neither get rid of nor carry


Москва 18 марта 2018 c 15:30 до 18:30, 2231 день назад

Winter is finally fading, and we will enter coming spring with a screening of "Sideways" - one the best recent comedies about a wine tasting road trip through California.


Москва 18 марта 2018 c 16:00 до 18:00, 2231 день назад

School for parents is an open forum in which we expose how being involved in their child's education can help promote learning and has been shown to lead to greater academic achievement. However, being a good parent not only   includes being present and involved in their child's learning and wanting to help promote their success and self-confidence amongst all the students in the school, but also being a good parent is being a good student, by learning new studying approaches and implementing this information in their own professional skills and human qualities


Москва 18 марта 2018 c 16:00 до 17:30, 2231 день назад

Английский состоит из небольшого количества самых часто используемых слов, большого количества так называемых «промежуточных» слов, которые употребляются реже и огромного количества редко встречающихся слов.


Москва 18 марта 2018 c 14:00 до 15:00, 2231 день назад

Приглашаем вас в воскресенье, 18-ого марта в 14:00 на чтение для детей на английском!


Москва 18 марта 2018 c 11:00 до 14:00, 2231 день назад

THE WORLD’S MOST POPULAR INVESTING GAME! CASHFLOW® was developed by renowned entrepreneur and motivational speaker Robert Kiyosaki, author of the bestselling personal finance book of all time “Rich Dad Poor Dad". This game is the ultimate realization of Robert Kiyosaki's vision for an interactive tool to teach investing and wealth building. Put your financial skills to the test and learn how to escape the rat race in the comfort of your own home. Please join us on Sunday, March 18 at 11 a.m. Led by Yulian Birev (in English)


Москва 17 марта 2018 c 16:00 до 17:30, 2232 дня назад

For those who are interested in the current economic and finance issues. If you want to understand more about how financial systems work, discuss the modern trends in economics, learn specific terminology and practice your English in this field, you are welcome to join our Economics&Finance Discussion Club. In our biweekly sessions, we discuss articles from the well-known sources such as The Economist, The Financial Times, The Harvard Business Review. Next time we will talk about Price Control. How government impose their controls over prices of certain goods and services? What are price floors and price ceilings? When it is a good idea for government to control prices? What are the consequences of such policies? Please join us in the Economics&Finance club next Saturday, March 17th. The meeting starts at 4 p.m. and should take about an hour and a half. To brush up your knowledge on the topic you can watch this short video https://youtu.be/01lKDkYSFDg from Crash Cours...


Москва 17 марта 2018 c 14:00 до 15:30, 2232 дня назад

Please come on Saturday, March 17 at 2.00 p.m. to the next Chess Club meeting. We are happy to invite our patrons to learn how to play chess and how to improve their chess skills. Chess is psychology, creativity and logical thinking.


Москва 17 марта 2018 c 12:00 до 13:30, 2232 дня назад

As the pioneer in trilingual training, P’titCREF developed a worldwide-recognized original technique of training, which allows children to study foreign languages in a game form. P’titCREF has revolutionized kindergarten teaching and has enabled children to develop harmoniously in a multicultural world. Please join us for our special event for kids from 4 to 7/8 years of age


Москва 16 марта 2018 c 18:30 до 20:30, 2233 дня назад

Philosophy permeates many spheres of our life, studies the laws of evolvement of the world and society, moral categories and values, raises and answers important questions of definition of truth, sense of life and death and many others. Philosophy also includes many subject areas from metaphysics, psychology, sociology, medicine to philosophy of design and cinema


Москва 15 марта 2018 c 19:00 до 20:30, 2234 дня назад

ВЫ мечтаете стать отличным оратором? ВАМ нужно, чтобы Вас запомнили во время Вашего публичного выступления на работе или на вечеринке? ВАМ важно, чтобы люди поверили в то, что Вы говорите им во время деловой встречи, выступления или презентации? ВАМ хочется быть ярким, интересным, харизматичным, остроумным и обаятельным человеком? ЭТО ДОСТИЖИМО!


Москва 15 марта 2018 c 19:00 до 20:30, 2234 дня назад

Henry James is considered by many to be among the greatest novelists in the English language and a key transitional figure between literary realism and literary modernism.   In describing the internal states of mind and social dynamics of his characters, James often made use of a personal style in which ambiguous or contradictory motivations and impressions were overlaid or closely juxtaposed in the discussion of a single character's psyche


Москва 12 марта 2018 c 19:00 до 20:30, 2237 дней назад

Уникальная программа, гармонично сочетающая теорию и практику — подарит вам отменный опыт и заложит крепкий фундамент будущих побед в работе и не только!


Москва 11 марта 2018 c 16:00 до 18:30, 2238 дней назад

Please come to the dancing event where you will be able to learn Merengue-dancing skills and Bachata dance moves with our American instructor Manny Ongsing.


Москва 11 марта 2018 c 14:00 до 15:30, 2238 дней назад

Если Вы ученик, который пытается принять решение о выборе профессии, студент любой специализации, практикующий юрист или просто человек, интересующийся правом, преподаватель МГИМО и юрист Василий Кузьмин предоставляет вам возможность расширить кругозор и познакомиться с ключевыми концепциями англо-американской правовой системы в сравнении с российским законодательством.


Москва 10 марта 2018 c 16:30 до 18:00, 2239 дней назад

We are happy to invite our patrons to learn how to play chess and how to improve their chess skills


Москва 10 марта 2018 c 15:00 до 16:30, 2239 дней назад

We are glad to invite you to the presentation from our youngest volunteer! Join our next meeting on Saturday, March 10, at 3 p.m. We will discuss: • Names of weapons used by various characters: ninjas, pirates, ghost hunters, spies and soldiers of the US Army; • The abbreviations used by the military, which we often hear in movies; • Idioms and phrases + a little bit of grammar in translation; You will see slide-presentation and watch video to understand translation features. Presentation will be led by Plato and his mom, they lived in the USA and they have much experience to share! Both children and adults are invited! In English.


Москва 9 марта 2018 c 17:00 до 18:30, 2240 дней назад

What is Extemporaneous Debate? What makes this activity extemporaneous is that debaters do not do research for the topics before the event begins, we will provide an opportunity for participants to choose a topic or questions for polemic. Club host would also have several proposed topics for discussion


Москва 5 марта 2018 c 19:00 до 20:30, 2244 дня назад

At the second meeting of the club, we will talk about the brightest shows in the history of the Soviet musicals, about Broadway productions brought to the USSR, and about the development of the musical theater in the Soviet and post-Soviet Russia. You think there were no musicals in the USSR
