Центр культур англоязычных стран / Anglophone Cultural Centre

Центр культур англоязычных стран Библиотеки иностранной литературы имени М. И. Рудомино


Москва 15 мая 2018 c 19:00 до 20:30, 2185 дней назад

Prepare a short story about feeling out of place. This week's topic is IMPOSTER. Buying a diploma, playing hard to get, putting on the masks. Tell us a story about the time you faked it until you made it! Secondhand dress for the wedding, Chinese iPhone or lying on your resume about knowing Italian. Come and share your story!


Москва 14 мая 2018 c 19:00 до 20:30, 2186 дней назад

What is Extemporaneous Debate? What makes this activity extemporaneous is that debaters do not do research for the topics before the event begins, we will provide an opportunity for participants to choose a topic or questions for polemic. Club host would also have several proposed topics for discussion


Москва 14 мая 2018 c 19:00 до 20:30, 2186 дней назад

Lecture “Masters of American Jazz” will be presented by the artist of the Broadway musical Pippin and the musical “Chicago” Svetlana Horuzhina on Monday, May 14 at 7 p.m. At the lecture, we will get to know the life and work of three 'fathers' of jazz dance, innovators and choreographers who have made a real revolution in dance studios, Broadway theater scenes and Hollywood film sets


Москва 13 мая 2018 c 16:00 до 17:30, 2187 дней назад

Английский состоит из небольшого количества самых часто используемых слов, большого количества так называемых «промежуточных» слов, которые употребляются реже и огромного количества редко встречающихся слов. Как выяснили исследователи Оксфордского университета, всего 100 самых часто используемых слов английского языка покрывают около 50 % любого английского текста (кроме специализированной и научной литературы).


Москва 13 мая 2018 c 14:00 до 16:00, 2187 дней назад

Participants will explore how learning happens through failure. We will practice creating SMART (Specific; Measurable; Achievable; Realistic; Timed) goals and Bullet Journaling for organizing our schedule and prioritizing responsibilities. Please join us on Sunday, May 13 at 2.00 p.m


Москва 13 мая 2018 c 14:00 до 15:00, 2187 дней назад

Приглашаем вас в воскресенье, 13-ого мая в 14:00 на чтение для детей на английском! В этот раз мы прочтём и переведем книгу «Hugless Douglas».


Москва 12 мая 2018 c 16:00 до 18:00, 2188 дней назад

Practice English and develop your Project Management skills with our series of Project Management workshops. At our workshops, you will learn handy tools and techniques, which help manage a project effectively. You will apply new knowledge in entertaining test activities and put into practice acquired skills by playing fun business games. The exciting atmosphere will help you forget that English is not your mother tongue and you will gain more confidence in your speaking ability.


Москва 12 мая 2018 c 13:00 до 15:00, 2188 дней назад

We are glad to invite you to the presentation from our youngest volunteer! Please join us for our next meeting on Saturday, May 12 at 1 p.m. We will discuss the education system in California from kindergarten to university. What types of education exist: free, paid, additional


Москва 11 мая 2018 c 18:30 до 20:30, 2189 дней назад

Practice your English, acting and have some fun at our regular Dramedy workshop - we will read and stage American short play and watch episode of cult TV series. Bring your enthusiasm and some treats to our tea table.


Москва 10 мая 2018 c 19:00 до 20:30, 2190 дней назад

Зачем наш клуб? Качество нашей жизни напрямую зависит от нашего умения договариваться. На клубе мы развиваем это умение, разыгрывая конкретные ситуации и обсуждая то, что получилось.


Москва 7 мая 2018 c 19:00 до 20:30, 2193 дня назад

Stage Door is having a special event on Monday, May 7th at 7 p.m. As a wrap up for the section of history of musical theatre, we will play the Name the Tune game to test our knowledge of musical theatre tunes! In the first part of the session, our guest speaker Daria Birina will cover the topic of history of French musicals: Notre Dame de Paris, Romeo et Juliette, Mozart L’Opera Rock and other French shows are greatly loved by the Russian audience. In the second part, brave contestants from the audience will test their knowledge in the world musicals and try to guess every tune


Москва 6 мая 2018 c 14:00 до 15:30, 2194 дня назад

Дела обстоят так, что то, что мы говорим сами себе, важнее, чем то, что нам говорят окружающие. Наше сознание – открытая площадка, на которой мы можем постоянно ссориться и спорить с самим собой. Но есть ли в этом смысл?


Москва 5 мая 2018 c 16:00 до 17:30, 2195 дней назад

For those who are interested in the current economic and finance issues. If you want to understand more about how financial systems work, discuss the modern trends in economics, learn specific terminology and practice your English in this field, you are welcome to join our Economics&Finance Discussion Club. In our biweekly sessions, we discuss articles from the well-known sources such as The Economist, The Financial Times, The Harvard Business Review. Next time we will talk about Market regulation. When it is a good idea for government to intervene with the market activities? How governments can influence markets? What are the consequences of such intervention? Does it really reduce competition? Please join us in the Economics&Finance club next Saturday, May 5th. The meeting starts at 4 p.m. and should take about an hour and a half.


Москва 5 мая 2018 c 14:00 до 15:30, 2195 дней назад

Please come on Saturday, May 5 at 2 p.m. to the next Chess Club meeting. We are happy to invite our patrons to learn how to play chess and how to improve their chess skills. Chess is psychology, creativity and logical thinking. At the Chess Club, we will learn chess theory, how to solve chess problems, play games with the opponent, and we will conduct chess quizzes and simultaneous exhibitions.


Москва 4 мая 2018 c 19:00 до 20:30, 2196 дней назад

Давайте познавать окружающий мир и раскрывать в себе новые таланты с помощью актерского мастерства.


Москва 29 апреля 2018 c 16:00 до 18:30, 2201 день назад

Please come on Sunday, April 29 at 4 p.m. to the dancing event where you will be able to learn Merengue-dancing skills and Bachata dance moves with our American instructor Manny Ongsing. Bachata is a sultry, heart-pulsing dance step that originated in the Dominican Republic and associated with Bachata music. Bachata is a style of social dance, which is now danced all over the world. The dance consists of three steps with a hip motion, as well as a Cuban hip movement, and a tap on the fourth beat. With a fairly rich yet recent history, Bachata does vary significantly from style to style and area to area, so don’t miss it. In addition, we will introduce you to Merengue dance. Merengue is a simple, fun dance with origins in the Dominican Republic. The simple march tempo is easy to hear and feel, and lends itself to a spontaneous, improvisational style of dance. You do not necessarily need to bring a partner, as we will rotate partners throughout the class. This is an easy dance to learn...


Москва 29 апреля 2018 c 14:00 до 15:00, 2201 день назад

Присоединяйтесь к нам в воскресенье, 29-ого апреля в 14:00 для участия во встрече Клуба для подростков. Целью нашего клуба является общение, обучение, самопознание и просто приятное времяпрепровождение.


Москва 28 апреля 2018 c 16:00 до 18:30, 2202 дня назад

It’s getting hotter outside and in our dramedy club as well - save your laughs for a thunderous comedy based on a true story of amazing transformation from school nerd to media superstar!


Москва 28 апреля 2018 c 15:00 до 16:30, 2202 дня назад

Summer is coming! In just two months’ time school will be over, waking up early will be over, and cold weather is already almost gone! Wait a minute. If summer is at hand, then one has to make ready. Have you planned out your summer vacation? Wait, do you even love to travel? Join us at the speaking club on Saturday, April 28 at 3 p.m., where we will finally sort out the travel question of the upcoming summer


Москва 28 апреля 2018 c 13:00 до 14:30, 2202 дня назад

Приглашаем вас на лекцию нашего юного волонтера Платона Аравина в субботу, 28 апреля в 13.00. Платону девять лет. Он несколько лет учился в США и прекрасно владеет английским языком. Тема следующей встречи – природа и архитектура Калифорнии.
