Центр культур англоязычных стран / Anglophone Cultural Centre

Центр культур англоязычных стран Библиотеки иностранной литературы имени М. И. Рудомино


Москва 11 августа 2018 c 15:00 до 16:30, 2085 дней назад

Did you know it? There are currently 41 million native Spanish speakers living in the US today and another 11.6 million people who are bilingual, many of whom are the children of Spanish- speaking immigrants. Hi Friends! Hola amigos! Do you want to improve your Spanish/English? Quieres mejorar tu ingles/español? Come to this venue where we will share and practice speaking 1/2 hour in Spanish and 1/2 hour in English


Москва 11 августа 2018 c 14:30 до 16:00, 2085 дней назад

Do you love studying English grammar books for hours on end? No? Well, come for an informative lecture and demonstration on how to learn conversational English through play. Christina Gouzev from the USA has been teaching English as a Second language for 5 years and has developed a system of teaching that is both effective and fun


Москва 11 августа 2018 c 13:00 до 14:30, 2085 дней назад

We are glad to invite you to the presentation from our youngest volunteer! Join our next meeting on Saturday, August 11, at 1 p.m. We will discuss: • Hollywood as a cultural phenomenon and the love of Americans for cinema; • the history of cinema and the golden era of Hollywood; • founders of the industry and modern filmmakers; • add a few jokes and cinematic expressions; Presentation will be led by Plato and his mom, they lived in the USA and they have much experience to share! Both children and adults are invited! In English.


Москва 10 августа 2018 c 19:00 до 20:30, 2086 дней назад

What is the climate? Has it really changed so drastically or is the 'global warming' just another business fuss? Join us in our discussion on the topic of the environment around us, and how have we influenced the Earth's health. Are we - a rather small group - going to be able to reach an agreement, or is this issue not important


Москва 9 августа 2018 c 19:00 до 20:30, 2087 дней назад

BKC-IH school will hold an exciting Literature meeting. On the session, we will talk about the great writers and poets and learn the distinctive features of different epochs. We try not to avoid a modern literature. Most importantly, we will learn to talk absorbingly about your favorite works and exchange books reviews


Москва 8 августа 2018 c 19:00 до 20:30, 2088 дней назад

How to find inspiration? Where to find motivation? How to keep the relationship? How to make your life an exciting journey? We will discuss these topics and many others in English and Russian languages. On the sessions, we will watch Ted Talks video collections, learn new phrases


Москва 6 августа 2018 c 19:00 до 20:30, 2090 дней назад

Join us for the final meeting of the season! We started Stage Door Club in January as a platform for open discussion on musical theatre in Russia and in the world. We invited speakers to talk about the history of musical theatre in Russia, in the US, and Europe. Our speakers also talked about costume design, audition hacks and filming musicals. Next Monday we will discuss how the season went for shows in Russia and across the world. We encourage you to join our discussion and share your experience. Tell us about the best and worst shows you have seen this season, and tell us what topics you would like to be covered by Stage Door next season. The club is in Russian.


Москва 4 августа 2018 c 16:00 до 17:30, 2092 дня назад

English poet, playwright, and critic W.H. Auden exerted a major influence on the poetry of the 20th century. Auden grew up in Birmingham, England and was known for his extraordinary intellect and wit. Just before World War II broke out, Auden emigrated to the United States and made his life there. Auden won the Pulitzer Prize in 1948 for The Age of Anxiety. Much of his poetry is concerned with moral issues and evidences a strong political, social, and psychological context. While the teachings of Marx and Freud weighed heavily in his early work, they later gave way to religious and spiritual influences. In this talk we look at Auden's life, influences, major works, how he has influenced others, and how he is remembered today. Please join us on Saturday, August 4 at 4 p.m. Led by a native speaker from England. (in English)


Москва 4 августа 2018 c 14:00 до 15:30, 2092 дня назад

The first major conflict of the Cold War, the Korean War (1950-53) was a test of the will of the communist and western countries to defend their ideologies on a foreign battleground, a formula that would be repeated throughout the rest of the Cold War. On the heels of the Second World War, the conflict in Korea came as an unexpected and unwanted shock to everyone involved; Western fear of communism, a desire for peace after WWII, and the new power of the atomic bomb made complicated and novel questions for the world’s political leaders. In this History Club we will discuss the reasons and the outcomes of the Korean War: Why was Korea divided? Why were the U.S. and Soviet Union involved? How did the outcomes of the War influence the Cold War? What role did the nuclear bomb play in the conflict? Please join us on Saturday, August 4 at 2.00 p.m. Meetings are held in English.


Москва 4 августа 2018 c 11:00 до 14:00, 2092 дня назад

THE WORLD’S MOST POPULAR INVESTING GAME! CASHFLOW® was developed by renowned entrepreneur and motivational speaker Robert Kiyosaki, author of the bestselling personal finance book of all time “Rich Dad Poor Dad". This game is the ultimate realization of Robert Kiyosaki's vision for an interactive tool to teach investing and wealth building. Put your financial skills to the test and learn how to escape the rat race in the comfort of your own home. Please join us on Saturday, August 4 at 11 a.m. Led by Yulian Birev (in English)


Москва 3 августа 2018 c 19:00 до 20:30, 2093 дня назад

Танец Хула – это солнечные, улыбающиеся девушки, красиво двигающие бедрами и рассказывающие историю далеких гавайских островов плавными грациозными движениями рук. В этом танце все имеет значение, каждый взмах ладони – это живой образ. Танцоры могут рассказать о любви, дружбе, о красоте острова, имитируя солнце, море, горы, землю, деревья, дождь, радугу и птиц. Хулу может танцевать каждый человек, который просто любит танец или хочет двигаться под музыку


Москва 3 августа 2018 c 19:00 до 20:30, 2093 дня назад

“The Matrix” by the Wachowskis was released in 1999. How does this movie stand 19 years later? Is it still perceived just as a very successful sci-fi action, which has also acquired a cult following due to its enigmatic philosophical connotations? Or did it prove to be extremely accurate social observations and a morbid prophecy? And what about human society? Is it choosing the path of Neo? Or does the Matrix “have“ it? We will talk about it at our upcoming session on Friday, August 3 at 7 p.m. Film Club is hosted by Dmitry Leonov. Meetings are held in English.


Москва 2 августа 2018 c 19:00 до 20:30, 2094 дня назад

Как писать письма на английском языке, учитывая современные реалии? Как выбирать стиль общения на английском языке, каналы коммуникации, правильно оформлять название компании и своих должностей. Бонусом все участники мероприятия получать 5 шаблонов писем и полезный вокабуляр! ПРОГРАММА: Как писать письма на английском языке, учитывая современные реалии? Как выбирать стиль общения на английском языке, каналы коммуникации, правильно оформлять название компании и своих должностей.  А также, два интерактива: расшифровка английских писем с использованием сокращений; работа с каналами коммуникации. Спикер: Чегнова Екатерина — со-основатель и академический директор школы Star Talk, преподаватель бизнес-английского со стажем более 10 лет, тренер по межкультурной коммуникации на английском языке, спикер университетов «Синергия» и «МФЮА» Язык: Английский (pre-intermediate+) Дата: 2 августа 19:00 - 20:30 Участие бесплатное


Москва 1 августа 2018 c 19:00 до 20:30, 2095 дней назад

Dear patrons, we are glad to invite you to the lecture on Robert Frost, one of the most popular poets in North America. Robert Frost (1874-1963) was born in San-Francisco, California. He is one of the most widely read and celebrated American poets of the 20th century, known as the Bard of New England


Москва 31 июля 2018 c 19:00 до 20:30, 2096 дней назад

Speaking club is a great opportunity to get a communication practice in English and learn the basic secrets of the verbal part of the Cambridge exams (FCE, CAE, CPE, BEC). If you want to: • talk a lot about everything? • build discussions correctly? • learn to easily describe and compare paintings, places, situations, movies and more? • improve your communication skills? • learn techniques, secrets and strategies for passing the verbal part of Cambridge exams? • Or just chat in English and find new friends? We are waiting for you on Tuesday, 31 July at 19: 00   Разговорный клуб - это отличная возможность получить практику общения на английском языке и узнать основные секреты устной части Кембриджских экзаменов ( FCE , CAE , CPE , BEC ). Хотите говорить много и обо всем? правильно выстраивать дискуссии? научиться с легкостью описывать и сравни...


Москва 30 июля 2018 c 19:00 до 20:30, 2097 дней назад

В 1920-е гг советская культура была очарована образом Америки.  Режиссеры снимают пародии на американское кино, а образ очаровательного бродяги Чарли Чаплина появляется на обложке журнала «Кино-фот». Слово «Америка» становится синонимом всего нового и современного


Москва 30 июля 2018 c 19:00 до 20:30, 2097 дней назад

Nuclear energy dramatically changed our world but it took many efforts to make it happen and scientists made not all of them. It took about 1600 years for the steam engine machine to go from the first prototype to industrial implementation. The internal combustion engine has overcome this path in about 80 years


Москва 28 июля 2018 c 17:00 до 18:30, 2099 дней назад

Did you know it? There are currently 41 million native Spanish speakers living in the US today and another 11.6 million people who are bilingual, many of whom are the children of Spanish- speaking immigrants. Hi Friends! Hola amigos! Do you want to improve your Spanish/English? Quieres mejorar tu ingles/español? Come to this venue where we will share and practice speaking 1/2 hour in Spanish and 1/2 hour in English


Москва 28 июля 2018 c 14:00 до 15:30, 2099 дней назад

Вы начинающий поэт? Любите писать эссе в свободное время, просто для удовольствия? Вам нравится записывать свои мысли? Самое время попробовать делать тоже самое на английском языке! Присоединяйтесь к семинару по креативному письму, который проведет Томас Кэри Фрэйзер - автор статей в New York Times и Vice News


Москва 27 июля 2018 c 19:00 до 20:30, 2100 дней назад

Люди обычно мучают своих близких под предлогом, что желают им добра, – Люк Вовенарг
