• 18 ноября 2015, среда
  • Москва, Nikoloyamskaya, 1, the Library for Foreign Literature, main entrance, 3rd floor, American cultural center. Please note that the Library requires every visitor to show a passport or a valid library card in order to enter.

Lecture and Exhibition: “Rock Art of the Wild West”

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Другие события организатора

Центр культур англоязычных стран / Anglophone Cultural Centre
3083 дня назад
18 ноября 2015 c 19:00 до 20:30
Nikoloyamskaya, 1, the Library for Foreign Literature, main entrance, 3rd floor, American cultural center. Please note that the Library requires every visitor to show a passport or a valid library card in order to enter.

Join us on Wednesday, November 18 at 7p.m. for a FREE fascinating lecture dedicated to the five monuments of Anasazi culture and the famous Barrier Canyon Style. The lecture will be held by Dr. Arsen Faradzhev, an anthropologist and a rock art specialist, who will also present his unique photograph exhibition “Rock Art in Horseshoe Canyon (Utah, USA)”

Among the priceless artifacts of humanity’s cultural heritage, rock art occupies a special place. According to the Italian researcher Emmanuel Anati, works of primitive ancient art are now found on all inhabited continents of Earth, in one thousand regions of 120 countries, with a total of more than 50 million units of rock drawings, continuing to remain the least studied type of ancient primitive creative work. Among such regions is a vast plateau of Colorado in the southwest of the USA, known as “Four corners”, or the Wild West. The objects of three cultures – Anasazi, Pueblo and Fremont are concentrated here.

Join us on Wednesday, November 18 at 7p.m. for a fascinating lecture dedicated to the five monuments of Anasazi culture and the famous Barrier Canyon Style. The lecture will be held by Dr. Arsen Faradzhev, an anthropologist and a rock art specialist, who will also present his unique photograph exhibition “Rock Art in Horseshoe Canyon (Utah, USA)”.

Join us for a cup of tea and dive into a powerful and mysterious atmosphere of ancient rock art!


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