Центр культур англоязычных стран / Anglophone Cultural Centre

Центр культур англоязычных стран Библиотеки иностранной литературы имени М. И. Рудомино


Москва 22 июня 2019 c 16:00 до 18:00, 1807 дней назад

Practice English and develop your Project Management skills with our series of Project Management workshops. At our workshops, you will learn handy tools and techniques, which help manage a project effectively. You will apply new knowledge in entertaining test activities and put into practice acquired skills by playing fun business games. The exciting atmosphere will help you forget that English is not your mother tongue and you will gain more confidence in your speaking ability. Серия семинаров по управлению проектами совмещает разговорную практику на английском языке с развитием навыков проектного менеджмента. На наших семинарах вы узнаете какие существуют инструменты и приемы, помогающие эффективно управлять проектами и участвовать в них. Свои знания и навыки вы сможете проверить, выполняя интерактивные тестовые задания и играя в командные деловые игры.


Москва 22 июня 2019 c 14:00 до 15:30, 1807 дней назад

« The Vietnam War »   One of the most controversial events in American (and world) history was the war in Vietnam from 1955-1975. Seen as a stage in the larger battle against communism, the Vietnam War resulted in millions of dead and a embarrassing defeat to the South Vietnamese and their American allies


Москва 22 июня 2019 c 12:30 до 14:00, 1807 дней назад

Welcome to our new Conversation Club – “What’s New in the News”. We will be discussing not only the latest “news” but also deeper questions which impact every individual in every part of the world such as who decides what is news and what is not?  Who and what becomes news?  How does the “news” shape our consciousness and beliefs?  Moreover, most importantly, how do we decide what to believe or not believe in the news?   What is “false news? and what is “true” news? Event is hosted by a native speaker from the United States


Москва 22 июня 2019 c 11:00 до 14:00, 1807 дней назад

Enjoy Reading? Let's go enjoy playing! THE WORLD’S MOST POPULAR INVESTING GAME! CASHFLOW® was developed by renowned entrepreneur and motivational speaker Robert Kiyosaki, author of the bestselling personal finance book of all time, 'Rich Dad Poor Dad'


Москва 21 июня 2019 c 19:00 до 20:30, 1808 дней назад

Please join us on June 21 at 7 p.m. when Jonathan Smilow (ADOS, coach of the VKS-IH center) will talk about how to express your own point of view on a particular business topic. On the lesson You can: 1) learn how to express and substantiate your idea in a business conversation; 2) learn business vocabulary; 3) apply the studied vocabulary in the course of practical tasks (give an argumentation of opinion); 4) find out which exams will not only confirm your level of English, but also show your knowledge of the business field. Students will be able to practice the skill of performing tasks that occur on the Cambridge exam BEC


Москва 20 июня 2019 c 19:00 до 20:30, 1809 дней назад

Мы приглашаем вас посетить разговорный клуб в формате быстрого общения в четверг, 20 июня в 19:00. Если вы хотите усовершенствовать свой английский, то самый лучший способ — практика. Мы живем в России, где порой тяжело найти людей, которые свободно говорят на английском и могли бы помочь в усовершенствовании разговорных навыков. Практика разговорного английского поможет вам достичь свободного уровня, чтобы чувствовать себя комфортно в общении с иностранцами и находясь заграницей.


Москва 19 июня 2019 c 19:00 до 20:30, 1810 дней назад

Presentation of the new book by Elena Yushkova: «Isadora Duncan. The Making of a Legend» New fascinating findings of the people and circumstances surrounding the dancing icon. Презентация только что вышедшей книги Елены Юшковой «Айседора Дункан и вокруг: новые исследования и материалы»


Москва 17 июня 2019 c 19:00 до 20:30, 1812 дней назад

Topic: BOUNDARIES What's good for you? What is bad? What is too much? And what is ok? Tell us a short true story about the time you needed to voice your personal boundaries. Refusal of picking up the phone at 11pm. Forbidding followers to discuss your curves. Ultimatums to family either to accept your hipsterness or you leaving for good. Unwanted advice and I just wanted to help excuses. Everything that makes you want to say enough, and here is the line you can't cross anymore. Come to grow your storytelling skill at our club with Ekaterina Tkach. This club is in Russian.


Москва 15 июня 2019 c 16:00 до 18:30, 1814 дней назад

Please come on Saturday, June 15 at 4:00 p.m. to the dancing event where you will be able to learn Merengue-dancing skills and Bachata dance moves with our American instructor Manny Ongsing. Bachata is a sultry, heart-pulsing dance step that originated in the Dominican Republic and associated with Bachata music


Москва 15 июня 2019 c 13:00 до 14:30, 1814 дней назад

You will find out about the thing called: the art of “raising bilingual kids”. How do you make your child fluent in English? How can you learn this language yourself and never ever forget it? About 90% of parents want their children to understand and communicate fluently in English. Alexey Kovalenko, a successful English language teacher, will tell you how to do that. Besides, he will share the experiences of his students, and focus on the most typical scenarios that parents face while raising bilingual kids. With his approach, your progress in English is perpetually connected to your child’s language acquirement. So how do you finally learn this language and how do you give this opportunity to your kid? Seminar will take place on June 15 at 1p.m. It will change your mind in terms of language learning. The entry is free. (in Russian)


Москва 13 июня 2019 c 19:00 до 20:30, 1816 дней назад

Welcome to IQ PARTY! IQ Party it’s a quiz game in English. Intellectual team game for expats and Russians. It’s competitive, exciting and fun! Pump your brain! Challenge yourself! And find new friends.


Москва 10 июня 2019 c 19:00 до 20:30, 1819 дней назад

На лекции участники познакомятся с системой высшего образования США, ее особенностями и требованиями к поступающим на программы бакалавриата, магистратуры или аспирантуры. Участники также узнают о программе “120 Credits” (5 шагов) — программе подготовки для самостоятельного поступления в вузы США.


Москва 8 июня 2019 c 16:00 до 17:30, 1821 день назад

For those who are interested in the current economic and finance issues. If you want to understand more about how financial systems work, discuss the modern trends in economics, learn specific terminology and practice your English in this field, you are welcome to join our Economics&Finance Discussion Club. In our biweekly sessions, we discuss articles from the well-known sources such as The Economist, The Financial Times, The Harvard Business Review. The topic of our next discussion is the Economics of Happiness. Is it true that money cannot buy happiness? Are people living in richer countries (with higher GDP per capita) happier than those who live in poorer countries? How can we measure happiness? What are the determinants of well-being? How the goal of making people happier might be turned into economic policy? Please join us in the Economics&Finance club next Saturday, June 8th. The meeting starts at 4 p.m. and should take about an hour and a half.


Москва 8 июня 2019 c 11:00 до 14:00, 1821 день назад

THE WORLD’S MOST POPULAR INVESTING GAME! CASHFLOW® was developed by renowned entrepreneur and motivational speaker Robert Kiyosaki, author of the bestselling personal finance book of all time “Rich Dad Poor Dad". This game is the ultimate realization of Robert Kiyosaki's vision for an interactive tool to teach investing and wealth building. Put your financial skills to the test and learn how to escape the rat race in the comfort of your own home. Please join us on Saturday, June 8 at 11 a.m. Led by Yulian Birev (in English)


Москва 8 июня 2019 c 12:00 до 13:30, 1821 день назад

Together with language school Star Talk teens will try alternative and funny way of learning English grammar and have a great chat in the company of a native speaker! English learning should be interesting and exciting. Game using is one of the most effective ways to immerse into language environment. American teacher will not give you opportunity to relax and will demonstrate real English: living and funny, that you don’t learn at school. Date: Saturday, June 8 at 12 p.m. Contacts: +7 (499) 110-53-28 Age group: 10+


Москва 7 июня 2019 c 19:00 до 20:30, 1822 дня назад

We invite everyone who is planning to take the IELTS exam to a seminar dedicated to preparing for the test. You will receive general information about the test, find out what are the “pitfalls” and intricate tasks, practice in writing an essay to General, Academic IELTS. At the end of the seminar you will have the opportunity to play games for the development of speech skills, vocabulary expansion. We are waiting for you on Friday, June 7 at 7 p.m. (in Russian).


Москва 7 июня 2019 c 19:00 до 20:30, 1822 дня назад

Welcome to our workshop where we are going to read, discuss and stage modern American play - a great way to develop your language, try your artistic skills and have some fun together! Please join us on Friday, June 7 at 7 p.m. Dramedy Club Presenter – Denis Aksenov will lead this event. This club is in English.


Москва 6 июня 2019 c 19:00 до 20:30, 1823 дня назад

- The basics of working with Arduino UNO and WiFi module ESP 8266 - using of modules and sensors - creation of smart devices at home. Led by Igor Volnov, programmer and developer of “Learn by Heart” and “U-Do for iPnone” mobile application


Москва 5 июня 2019 c 19:00 до 20:30, 1824 дня назад

Volunteer Center AYA invites you to the meeting which will take place on Wednesday, June 5 at 7 p.m. During this meeting, you will find out how to make this world more beautiful place and match travelling with language practice. We will present you easiest way how to become an international volunteer and will help you with orientation in variety of good works: from restoration of castles and turtle rescue to organization of festivals and work with local populations of all ages. — You will meet experienced volunteers who participated in various projects all over the world; — We will talk about diversity of voluntary opportunities (long and short-term volunteering, youth exchanges, trainings, etc; — You will get tips how to start volunteering abroad if you are new with it. The event is held in Russian. It is free and open for everybody.


Москва 5 июня 2019 c 19:00 до 20:30, 1824 дня назад

Have you ever found yourself wondering about your family's past? Maybe you've looked through old photos and letters or asked your grandparents to share their stories... Storytelling is a natural way to both preserve and pass on our history, and that is particularly what Faulkner did in most of his works as his characters’ vibrant personalities and the panoramic vision for the Yoknapatawpha saga unfold to your imagination. At the seminar we will regard some of Faulkner’s major writings and have a closer look into one of the short stories to get the idea of his way to show psychological drama and emotional depth, typically with long serpentine prose and high, meticulously-chosen diction. The event is held in English. Led by Anna Dvoretskaya, senior teacher of English at RANEPA, has a TESOL/TESL/TEFL certificate.
